Hello everyone! Today we're going to learn about the reporter.

A reporter is a type of journalist who carries out coverage of the news in the field and reports it to the public, either in writing for the print media or on news sites on the Internet, or orally, when the report is delivered through electronic media such as radio or television.

Below is a simple text as an example of being a reporter.


Never attending the important moment, a mother's reason attracted the sympathy of the public.

A Tik Tok's account shares the story of a struggling mother who hasn't been able to attend her son's reporting since he was in elementary school.

Heartwarming story comes from a man in Central Java who tells why his mother never wanted to come to school to attend important events, including taking school reports.

It turns out the mother refused to come to school for fear of making her beloved son embarrassed because he couldn't read or write.

However, in the end, when his son expressed his wish for his mother to be present at his graduation ceremony, the mother felt shaken in her heart.

In that sacred moment, the mother managed to overcome her fear. He decided to attend despite the limitations he had.


Learning to be a reporter can train us in writing, analyzing, and reporting an event to the public through the mass media on a regular basis.

For those of you who want to learn how to be reporters, let's watch the following video:

Video link: Reporter


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