Tour Guide Activities - Element Speaking

Hello everyone, my name is Cempaka Pratiwi, from class XI DKV 2 SMK N 4 Semarang. Today we will study material about tour guides. This lesson teaches us all how a Tour Guide explains the chosen destination to tourists.

Below are examples of tour guide dialogue that you can use to train your pronunciation, intonation, clearness, and fluency.



Semarang Tours

Tour Guide: "Hello everyone. Welcome to Atlas City, Semarang. Thank you to all of you who entrusted Dream Tours to be your guides on this journey. Let me introduce myself. My name is Cempaka, and I will be your tour guide today."

"I'll take you to enjoy the beauty of Semarang City. It is a beautiful city with a variety of tourist destinations that you can visit with your beloved family."

"Before we start the trip, please check your item and make sure that there are no missing items."

"The first destination we will visit is the historical building of Semarang City, called Lawang Sewu. This is a building with typical Dutch architecture. There, you can take some pictures as memories."

"The next historic spot is a tour with a vintage vibe that can make you never get bored. The tourist attraction is Kota Lama, this a cultural reserve where historic buildings of hundreds-year-old Dutch Indian heritage are housed."

"The third destination is Maerokoco. This is a miniature park of Central Java that summarizes all the customary houses of thirty-five districts and towns."

"For the final destination, it will be closed with cuisine near the park Maerokoco, which is Kampung Laut. Kampung Laut is a family restaurant that serves a variety of seafood in Semarang City. You can also enjoy the fishing there."

"So, that's our schedule for this tour. I hope you all enjoy your visit to Semarang City and everything you can find here."

"Before we start the trip, do you have any questions?"

Man: "Miss, can we swim in the Kampung Laut?"

Tour Guide: "I'm sorry, but there's no swimming facility, so you can not swimming in there."

Woman: "Sorry Miss, is the food in the Kampung Laut just seafood?"

Tour Guide: "Oh, of course not. There'll be vegetables. So just not seafood." 

Tour Guide: "Is there anything else you want to ask? If not, let's start the journey. Have fun everyone, thank you."


Personally, I think the lessons are quite easy to understand. If there are difficulties, it is normal in a learning process. Keep your enthusiasm for continuing to learn.

That's all I can say. I hope it can help train you in speaking English.

Thank you. See you in the next blog.

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