πŸ“– Example Of Argumentative Text

Hello everyone, back again with me Cempaka at the Point of Study blog πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» 
On this first occasion I will show you about my learning understanding at school about "Argumentative Text"



πŸ“Social Function
What is Argumentative Text for? An argumentative text uses evidence and facts 
to prove whether or not a thesis is true, so two sides of an issue are presented in 
it. This text covers the most important arguments for and against. 

πŸ“Text Structure
Here is an explanation of a argumentative text's structure.

1. Thesis : presents the issue of concern.
Example : I personally think that plastic bag waste is one of the biggest causes 
of environmental pollution problems in the world. Here are some reason why I 
think so.

2. Arguments : present the reasons for concern, leading to the recommendation.
  • Argument 1 : First plastic bags are made from ethylene that is a non- renewable natural resources If people use more plastic, it means that the depletion of the natural resource is faster.
  • Argument 2 : Second, plastics are made of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) Plastic bags are difficult to decompose in soil and take between 100 and 500 years.
  • Argument 3 : Third, some people burn plastics to deal with plastic waste But the combustion process is less than perfect and does not break down the plastic particies completely it leaves dioxins in the air When humans inhale this dioxin, humans will be susceptible to various diseases including cancer nervous system disorders, hepatitis, liver swelling, and depression.

3. Recommendation : presents the statement of what ought or ought not to 
happen. The author tries to invite and persuade the reader to do something.
Example : It is indeed impossible to eliminate the use of plastic bags 100% but 
the most feasible is to reuse plastic reduce plastic use and recycle Finally, there 
may be government regulation to reduce the use of plastic.

πŸ“Language Features and Language Component
There are some language features of argumentative text :

1. It contains the author's thoughts, ideas, views, and opinions.

2. It is accompanied by logical reasons, facts or events that occurred, as well
as information from several sources such as data graphics, pictures, and other
things that can be accepted by reason.

3. It is presented using analysis and analogy.
It’s mean like do deeper investigation into the topic that discussed on the text,
knowing the exact source.

4. It is usually written as a non-fiction text and ends with a conclusion.
Conclusion is used as an epilogue placed at the end of a piece of writing or text.
Conclusions are drawn based on research and consideration of the discussion in
the text.

5. Logical connectives, logical connectives are words or symbols which are used
to form a complex sentence from two simple sentences by connecting them. Some
logical connectives are if, then, unless.
Here are some examples of logical connective sentences.
a. If, then
Examples :
If John doesn't study, then his grades will drop.
b. If and only if
If and only if Ronald passes the pre exam, will he get selected.
c. Unless
Unless I'm mistaken. There are around 270 million people in Indonesia.

6. Abstract nouns refer to ideas, feelings, emotions, states, actions, concepts,
experiences, and qualities that we cannot see, taste, touch, smell, or hear.
Here are some examples of abstract nouns: honesty, intelligence, bravery. Names
of subjects are abstract nouns, for example: science, chemistry, geography.

7. Technical term is a word, phrase, or acronym that professionals or experts use
in their specific field to help save time when communicating with other
knowledgeable professionals.
There are some technical terms in technology such as malware and phishing.

πŸ“Example Of Argumentative Text 

1. Should College Education be Free?

College education should be free for all students. Education is a basic right, and no one should be deprived of it just because they can't afford it. Education is the key to success and prosperity, and making it accessible to all will lead to a better society. Additionally, countries that provide free college education have higher rates of college graduates and a more educated workforce, which in turn leads to economic growth.

Furthermore, providing free college education will reduce the burden of student debt. Many students graduate from college with significant debt, which can take years to pay off. This debt can limit their career choices and delay their ability to start a family or purchase a home. By providing free college education, students can focus on their studies without worrying about the financial burden.

Opponents of free college education argue that it would be too expensive for the government to provide. However, investing in education is an investment in the future of the country. The benefits of a more educated population will outweigh the costs in the long run. Additionally, the government can fund free college education by reducing spending on unnecessary programs or by increasing taxes on the wealthy.

In conclusion, college education should be free for all students. Education is a right, not a privilege, and it is essential for personal and societal growth. By providing free college education, we can ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to succeed, regardless of their financial background.

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1. Haruskah Pendidikan Perguruan Tinggi Gratis ?

Pendidikan perguruan tinggi harus gratis untuk semua siswa. Pendidikan adalah hak dasar, dan tidak seorang pun boleh dicabut hanya karena mereka tidak mampu membelinya. Pendidikan adalah kunci kesuksesan dan kemakmuran, dan menjadikannya dapat diakses oleh semua orang akan mengarah pada masyarakat yang lebih baik. Selain itu, negara-negara yang menyediakan pendidikan perguruan tinggi gratis memiliki tingkat lulusan perguruan tinggi yang lebih tinggi dan tenaga kerja yang lebih terdidik, yang pada akhirnya mengarah pada pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Selanjutnya, memberikan pendidikan perguruan tinggi gratis akan mengurangi beban hutang mahasiswa. Banyak siswa lulus dari perguruan tinggi dengan hutang yang signifikan, yang membutuhkan waktu bertahun-tahun untuk melunasinya. Hutang ini dapat membatasi pilihan karir mereka dan menunda kemampuan mereka untuk memulai sebuah keluarga atau membeli rumah. Dengan memberikan pendidikan perguruan tinggi gratis, siswa dapat fokus pada studi mereka tanpa khawatir tentang beban keuangan.

Penentang pendidikan perguruan tinggi gratis berpendapat bahwa itu akan terlalu mahal untuk disediakan oleh pemerintah. Padahal, investasi pendidikan adalah investasi masa depan negara. Manfaat dari populasi yang lebih berpendidikan akan lebih besar daripada biaya dalam jangka panjang. Selain itu, pemerintah dapat mendanai pendidikan perguruan tinggi gratis dengan mengurangi pengeluaran untuk program yang tidak perlu atau dengan menaikkan pajak orang kaya.

Kesimpulannya, pendidikan perguruan tinggi harus gratis untuk semua siswa. Pendidikan adalah hak, bukan hak istimewa, dan itu penting untuk pertumbuhan pribadi dan masyarakat. Dengan memberikan pendidikan perguruan tinggi gratis, kami dapat memastikan bahwa semua siswa memiliki kesempatan yang sama untuk berhasil, terlepas dari latar belakang keuangan mereka.


2. The Benefits of Exercise 

Regular exercise has numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. Firstly, it can help to prevent and manage many chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. This is because exercise helps to improve insulin sensitivity, lower blood pressure, and reduce inflammation in the body. 

Moreover, exercise is also beneficial for mental health. It has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, improve cognitive function, and enhance overall well-being. In fact, regular exercise has been found to be just as effective as medication in treating depression. 

However, some people argue that they do not have enough time to exercise or that they do not enjoy it. While it can be challenging to fit exercise into a busy schedule, there are many ways to incorporate physical activity into your day, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, going for a walk during your lunch break, or doing a quick workout at home. 

In conclusion, regular exercise is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health. While some people may find it challenging to get started, there are many benefits to be gained from incorporating physical activity into your daily routine. 

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2. Manfaat Olahraga 

Olahraga secara teratur memiliki banyak manfaat untuk kesehatan fisik dan mental. Pertama, olahraga dapat membantu mencegah dan mengelola banyak kondisi kronis seperti diabetes, penyakit jantung, dan obesitas. Hal ini karena olahraga membantu meningkatkan sensitivitas insulin, menurunkan tekanan darah, dan mengurangi peradangan dalam tubuh.

Selain itu, olahraga juga bermanfaat untuk kesehatan mental. Hal ini telah terbukti dapat mengurangi gejala kecemasan dan depresi, meningkatkan fungsi kognitif, dan meningkatkan kesehata secara keseluruhan. Bahkan, olahraga secara teratur ditemukan sama efektifnya dengan obat dalam mengobati depresi. 

Namun, beberapa orang berargumen bahwa mereka tidak memiliki cukup waktu untuk berolahraga atau tidak menikmatinya. Meski menjadi tantanngan untuk memasukan oleharaga dalam kegiatan yang sibuk, ada banyak cara untuk memasukkan aktivitas fisik ke dalam kegiatan harian, seperti naik tangga daripada menggunakan lift, berjalan-jalan saat istirahat makan siang, atau melakukan latihan singkat di rumah. 

Kesimpulannya, olahraga secara teratur sangat penting untuk menjaga kesehatan fisik dan mental yang baik. Meskipun beberapa orang mungkin merasa sulit untuk memulai, ada banyak manfaat yang bisa didapatkan dari memasukkan aktivitas fisik ke dalam rutinitas harianmu.


3. The Influence of The Internet 

Technology development goes along with the development of the world. Currently the technology is growing very rapidly, especially the development internet. Almost all of areas of the world such as industry, business, education, entertainment, etc. use the Internet as media to help their works. Internet has a variety of functions such as communication functions, data exchange, source of media information and much more. One of the functions which used by internet user the most is internet as source of media information. By using internet, they can get information quickly and easily.  Nevertheless, the ease of information that can be obtained from the internet gives a positive and negative impact for users of the Internet itself. Here are the positive and negative impacts posed by the Internet that can be perceived by the consumer. 

There are so many positive impacts which can be felt by internet users such as: Internet users can get the information easily and quickly. By simply entering a keyword in the search engines, they will get what they are looking for. Internet users can also view location that wanted to see and very far without going to the location. This function can be obtained by using features such as Google earth. 

Moreover, Internet can be used by employers as media promotion. They can introduce their products for free and easily on the internet. Internet users especially students also can get so many references from books and material which is available on internet for free. There are so many sites that provide a wide range of references such as scientific journals, Wikipedia and many more. And the last, internet users can find out about the world and interact with all of the world’s population using social media such as Facebook, twitter and others. 

Besides having a positive impact, the Internet also has some negative impact for its users such as: the freedom of information that can be obtained on the internet can be abused by its user. They use internet to open the forbidden sites such as pornography, gambling and others. These sites are accessible to people of all of ages whenever and wherever. Internet also can be used by people who are not responsible for hacking into secret archives in cyberspace. Commonly the perpetrators of these crimes are called hackers. They can even disrupt a country just by using the Internet. 

In addition, Internet also can make most of students lazy to think about their task given by teacher because almost all of lessons they can get on the internet. Internet also decreases the role of library in real life. Library which is used as a place to read and find information is no longer used. Today students prefer using internet by accessing online media or references that they can get on the internet. 

From the short discussion above, we can conclude that internet has a positive and negative side that could impact its users. Therefore, by seeing the impacts caused by the Internet, users have to be smart in using the Internet. We do not abuse the wealth and freedom of information contained in the internet technology to do something negative. 

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3. Pengaruh perkembangan internet

Perkembangan technology berjalan seiring dengan perkembangan dunia. Saat ini teknologi sudah berkembang dengan sangat pesat terutama perkembangan dunia internet. Hampir seluruh bidang di dunia ini seperti industry, bisnis, pendidikan, hiburan, dll. menggunakan Internet sebagai media untuk membantu pekerjaan mereka. Internet memiliki berbagai macam fungsi seperti fungsi komunikasi, pertukaran data, media pencari informasi dan masih banyak lagi. Salah satu fungsi internet yang paling banyak digunakan oleh penggunanya adalah internet sebagai sumber informasi. Dengan internet mereka bisa mendapatkan informasi dengan cepat dan mudah. Kemudahan informasi yang bisa diperoleh dari internet ini memberikan dampak positif maupun negatif bagi pengguna internet itu sendiri. Berikut adalah dampak positif dan negatif yang ditimbulkan oleh internet yang dapat dirasakan oleh para penggunannya. 

Ada banyak dampak positif yang bisa dirasakan oleh pengguna internet antara lain: pengguna internet bisa mendapatkan informasi dengan cepat dan mudah. Dengan hanya memasukan kata kunci pada mesin pencari, mereka akan mendapatkan apa yang mereka cari dengan cepat. Pengguna internet juga dapat melihat lokasi yang diinginkan dan sangat jauh tanpa pergi ke lokasinya. Hal ini bisa didapatkan dengan menggunakan fitur google seperti Google earth. 

Terlebih lagi internet bisa dimanfaatkan oleh para pengusaha sebagai media promosi. Mereka bisa memperkenalkan produk-produk mereka dengan mudah dan gratis di internet. Pengguna internet khususnya pelajar juga bisa mendapatkan referensi-referensi dari buku ataupun materi yang tersedia secara gratis di internet. Banyak situs-situs yang menyediakan berbagai macam referensi seperti jurnal-jurnal ilmiah, Wikipedia dan masih banyak lagi. Dan yang terakhir pengguna internet bisa mengetahui tentang dunia dan berinteraksi dengan semua penduduk dunia dengan menggunakan media-media sosial seperti facebook, twitter dan lain-lain. 

Selain memiliki dampak positif, Internet juga memiliki beberapa dampak negatif bagi penggunanya yaitu: kebebasan informasi yang bisa didapatkan di internet bisa disalahgunakan. Mereka bisa membuka situs-situs terlarang seperti pornografi, perjudian dan lain-lain.  Situs-situs ini dapat diakses oleh semua orang dari berbagai usia kapanpun dan dimanapun. Selain itu internet juga bisa digunakan oleh orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan penyusupan ke dalam arsip-arsip rahasia di dunia maya. Biasanya pelaku kejahatan ini disebut hacker. Mereka bahkan bisa mengacaukan sebuah Negara hanya dengan menggunakan internet. 

Internet juga bisa membuat sebagian pelajar malas untuk memikirkan tugas yang diberikan oleh guru karena hampir semua bahan pelajaran bisa mereka dapatkan dengan mudah di internet. Internet juga menggeser peran perpustakaan di kehidupan nyata. Perpustakaan yang merupakan tempat membaca dan mencari informasi sudah tidak lagi digunakan. Para pelajar saat ini lebih memilih media online ataupun referensi-referensi yang bisa mereka dapatkan di internet. 

Dari diskusi di atas, dapat kita simpulkan bahwa internet memiliki sisi positif dan sisi negatif yang bisa berdampak pada penggunanya. Oleh karena itu, dengan melihat dampak-dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh internet, pengguna harus lebih cerdas dalam memanfaatkan Internet, jangan menyalahgunakan kekayaan dan kebebasan informasi yang terdapat dalam teknologi internet untuk berbuat sesuatu yang negatif.


Reference source :

Hopefully from what I understand this can be useful for friends who want to learn about "Description Text". 
πŸ‘‹πŸ» Thank you everyone and see you again 


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