πŸ“– Learn Hortatory Exposition

Hello everyone, back again with me Cempaka at the Point of Study blog. 


On this first occasion I will show you about my learning understanding at school about "Hortatory Exposition". 


Hortatory Exposition


Hortatory exposition text is a type of text that is used to convince or invite readers or listeners to do something or take certain actions. This text aims to influence other people's thoughts and attitudes through strong and logical arguments.

Hortatory exposition text can be in the form of academic speeches, editorials, articles, scientific journals, and advertisements. However, when creating hortatory exposition text it must be accompanied by logical arguments.

πŸ“Hortatory Exposition Function

The function of this text is to convince others of a particular opinion or action. By using facts, data, and relevant information, hortatory exposure also provides information that supports the arguments presented.

In addition, this hortatorial text is also intended to encourage the reader or listener to take a certain action. It is also commonly used as a means of promoting positive social change.

πŸ“Hortatory Exposition Text Structure

1. Introduction or Thesis

In the beginning of this section, introduce about the topic or issue to be discussed. In addition, this section also presents the opinion statements or positions of the author in relation to the topic under discussion.

2. Arguments

Arguments in hortatory exposition contain arguments that support the author's opinion statement, and why certain actions should be done. These arguments are presented using facts, data, logic, and strong reasoning. This section usually also explains why the proposed solution makes sense or benefits many people involved.

3. Recommendations

Recommendations or invitations to readers. This section invites readers to take action or change their attitudes according to the statements made.

πŸ“Language Features Hortatory Exposition Text

1. Writing focuses on the author and uses a first-person perspective, namely the author.

2. Using abstract object words (budaya, keberanian, harapan, kebijakan, keunggulan, dll).

3. Use action verb (aks, tell, argue, implement, dll).

4. Use the thinking verb (reflect, consider, evaluate, analyze, dll).

5. Using adverb capital (surely, certainly, definitely, clearly, dll).

6. Using temporal link words (pertama, kedua, ketiga, dll).

7. Using evaluative words (efektif, efisien, dapat dipercaya, berharga, dll).

8. Use simple present tense.

9. Using passive voice.


Hopefully from what I understand this can be useful for friends who want to learn about "Hortatory Exposition".

πŸ‘‹πŸ» Thank you everyone and see you again 


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